Wednesday, February 25, 2009

The Jonas Brothers Have Staying Power

Steve Greenberg, the CEO of S-Curve Records, is the man responsible for discovering the Jonas Brothers. “In the pile was a Christian pop record made by Nick Jonas,” he said. “It was a very bland Christian pop record. It was awful, but his voice was great.”

Amy Doyle, the executive vice president for music and talent at MTV, recalled “There weren’t a ton of fans,” she remembered. “But the fans that were there were really, really excited. That’s when we felt there was something there.”

Miranda Monarch, a 14-year-old from Los Angeles, said she first became aware of the Jonas Brothers a couple of years ago while reading a teen magazine. “Their music was pretty catchy,” she explained. “And two of them are cute.”

Right now, the entertainment industry thinks all three of the Jonas Brothers are absolutely adorable, because they’re enjoying the kind of success that boy bands in garages all across the globe can only dream about.

Their concert tour in 2008 grossed over $41 million. Their last album, 'A Little Bit Longer' has sold over 2.1 million copies worldwide. They have a film, 'Jonas Brothers: The 3D Concert Experience' opening Friday. They were interviewed in the first segment on Barbara Walters’ annual post-Oscars special Sunday night. They’re all over the Disney Channel.