Friday, February 27, 2009

Kate Winslet Snubs Neighbours

The 'Reader' actress and director husband Sam Mendes have a lavish $5.5 million mansion in a small community in South West England but her neighbours moan they never see the Oscar winner at local events.

One local resident said: "She's probably a very nice person but she's not a villager. You wouldn't expect to see her at the village fete."

Speaking about Kate's recent Best Actress honour at the Academy Awards, another local resident, Karin Major, said: "I'm pleased for her but I doubt if the village will have a party."

Kate, who has two kids, Mia, 8 and Joe, 5, has previously insisted she is part of a "normal" family. She said: "We do normal things that any other family would.

"It's important to us that the children are just regular kids, so we go to the park, kick a ball around, go to a museum, watch a movie together or just hang out at home playing Monopoly."